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damaged car loaded on a flatbed tow truck

The Different Types of Flatbed Tow Trucks: Rollback vs. Slide Bed

Flatbed tow trucks are essential in the towing industry, with two common types being rollback trucks and slide bed trucks. Rollback trucks feature a hydraulic bed that tilts and slides backward, while slide bed trucks utilize a ramp for loading vehicles. In this article, we will explore the advantages of using flatbed tow trucks, including their versatility, damage-free towing, and enhanced safety.

Rollback Tow Trucks

Rollback tow trucks, also known as flatbed tow trucks, feature a hydraulic bed that tilts and slides backward, allowing the entire bed to touch the ground. This design enables vehicles to be loaded onto the flatbed by driving or towing them onto the bed. Once secured, the bed is tilted back into its original position, securing the vehicle for transport.

Slide Bed Tow Trucks

Slide bed tow trucks employ a different loading mechanism compared to rollback trucks. These tow trucks also have a flatbed but instead of tilting the whole flatbed to load the vehicle, it makes use of a ramp. The tip of the flatbed may be angled downwards and the ramp extension slides down to reach the ground. This will allow the cars to be loaded on the truck

Advantages Of Using Flatbed Tow Trucks


These trucks can accommodate a wide range of vehicles, including cars, SUVs, motorcycles, and even small trucks. The ability to load vehicles by driving them onto the bed makes it easier to handle various types of vehicles.

Damage-Free Towing

The flatbed design of rollback trucks ensures that vehicles are transported without any contact with the road surface. This minimizes the risk of damage to the towed vehicle’s tires, suspension, or drivetrain components.

Enhanced Safety

Flatbed tow trucks provide a safer towing solution, especially for vehicles with severe damage or those involved in accidents. The flatbed design eliminates the need for lifting or dragging the vehicle onto the tow truck, reducing the risk of additional damage during loading and unloading.


Flatbed tow trucks, whether rollback or slide bed, offer valuable benefits in towing. Rollback trucks are versatile, ensuring damage-free towing and enhanced safety. Slide bed trucks provide maneuverability and efficient loading. Both types play a crucial role in safely transporting vehicles.

If you ever need flatbed towing in the Minneapolis area, then you should call Timber Towing And Recovery. The reliable flatbed towing service makes sure your car is lifted off the ground while towing to ensure safety of your vehicle…

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