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Are You Waiting For A Tow Truck? Here’s What You Should Do

When your car breaks down and you can’t figure out what to do or you don’t have the tools to fix the problem, all you can do is call for a tow. Do you have the number of roadside assistance or towing companies saved on your phone?

If you do, then it would be much easier for you to get the help you need. However, even if you’ve already called for help, they may still take time to reach you. That would depend on where they are dispatched from, where you are and if there are any available tow trucks.

All you can do is wait. We understand the agony of waiting so to keep yourself busy and safe for the time being, we’ve compiled a list of to-do things for you. They are as follows:

Find A Safe Spot To Park Your Car

The last thing you want to do when your car breaks down the road is to cause another accident. To prevent that, you should find a spot that is safe to park your vehicle. Avoid staying in the middle of the road, instead, park your vehicle at the breakdown lane. That will get you out of the way of other vehicles.

Switch Your Hazard Lights On

Even if you are already out of traffic’s way and on the side of the road, you should still make yourself and your car as visible as possible. That is why you should not forget to turn your hazard lights on.

Additionally, if you have other tools like LED lights or an emergency triangle, you should also use it to make the car more visible. If you have a reflective vest, then it is best to wear it too. This is especially true at night when visibility is impaired due to a lack of ambient light.

Call The Police

If your car has been involved in an accident, you should not forget to call the police. Whether it is your fault or the fault of the other party. Insurance companies will usually ask for a case number or police report before you could claim for the damages.

Gather All Your Valuables

While waiting for the tow truck, take this time to gather all your valuables. Check all areas and keep them in one place so you can easily get them before you leave your car in the hands of the towing companies.

You can’t hold towing companies responsible for the damaged or lost personal items in your vehicle. That’s why before that happens, you should just gather all your valuables and keep them with you.

Stay Inside The Car And Wait

It can be tempting to go out and find a restaurant or a convenience store where you could stay and wait. However, it would be best not to leave the scene. Also, it would be much safer for you to stay inside your vehicle. Even if it seems like a long wait, you should be patient enough to stay inside the vehicle.

Even when strangers offer you a ride. Politely refuse their offer. You should just wait for the tow truck to arrive and tow your vehicle.

Calm Yourself

It is understandable for you to feel stressed or tensed when your car breaks down. Whether you were in an accident or your car simply stopped working unexpectedly, those scenarios can make you feel on edge.

However, you must remind yourself to stay calm. Relax and breathe. There is no use in getting frustrated about the situation because it is already there.

You could play some music or a game on your phone to help calm yourself down. However, you must be mindful of your phone’s battery level. Tow trucks may still need to call you up for directions so don’t waste the battery too much.

When your car unexpectedly breaks down on the road or if you find yourself in an accident anywhere in Minneapolis and St. Paul area, don’t try to drive your car to the shop. It is best to have it towed by professionals from Timber Towing And Recovery…

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